Thời lượng 10 buổi.
Học phí: 2.000.000 Đồng
Nội dung chương trình:
1. Giới thiệu |
2. Dependency Injection |
3. Hot reload |
4. MVC Architecture |
5. Routing in action |
6. View |
7. Action Result |
8. Tag Helper |
9. CRUD Operations |
10. Repository pattern |
11. Identity Management |
12. Advance concept in MVC |
13. Deployment onpremise & cloud |
Gain insights to the Fundamentals and Concepts of ASP .NET CORE MVC
Client Side Development using Gulp, Grunt and Bower.
Acquire sufficient knowledge on role of Model, View and Controller in integrating them to develop complete web application.
Dependency Injection into Controllers
Implement security in ASP .NET MVC applications
Learn Razor Syntax
Implement security in ASP .NET MVC applications